PLEASE NOTE: Un-like some of the software containd within some of the other disk catergories of the library, these disks will generally work on just about any Amiga with a "PROTRACKER COMPATIBLE" sequencer. Most Disks in this section do not have a sample player. However they will all load into just about any sample editor, "Protracker" or "Octamed" (and also their various clones etc.). All disks prior to disk here originally came from the good old LOAD CREST library. Sorry for the very basic review text on these disks, it is worth remembering that this should in no way effect the quality of the files contained on them! ============================================================================= RAW & IFF SAMPLE DISKS ============================================================================= SMP001 SOUNDTRACKER SPECIAL This one auto boots and contains a few utilities too play samples and to compose music with too. Contents:- Soundtracker v2.2, v2.3, v2.4, v3.0; Promax Soundtracker Ripper; Flash Soundtracker Ripper; Preset Editor Plus; PLST Adder Program; Games Music Creator; PLST Creator v1.5 Plus. SMP002 ST-01 INSTRUMENTS 118 Instruments:- Alligator, AnalogString, Asia, BassDrum1 2 3, BigBow, Blast, Blubzing, Celeste, Chink, Claps1 2, Claves, CloseHiHat, Conga, CowBell, Cymbal, Dangerous, Detune, Die, DigDug, DigiHarp, DogBark, DreamBells, DXBass, DxTom, ElecTom, EPiano, Eug, FaeryTale, FilterBass, FunBass, FunkBass, HallBrass, Heaven, HeavySynth, Heifer, HiHat1 2, Hooman, Horns, Jahrmarkt1 2, Jetes, Klickorgan, KorgBass, KorgBeau, KorgBow, KorgDoi, KorgFilter, KorgString, Koto, Leader, Licks, Magic, Marimba, Mechanic1 2, MetalKeys, MonoBass, MonsterBass, MuteClav, Nice, NightMare, NoteMan, Organ, Outlaw, PanFlute, Perco, PingBells, Pizza, PolySynth, PopBass, PopSnare1 2, RichString, RingPiano, RoomBrass, RubberBrass, Shaker, Shamus, SineCZ, SixTease, SlapBass, Smash1 2, Snare1 2 3, SoftBass, Sphere, Squares, Stabs, Steinway, Strange, Strings1 2 3 4 5 6 7, Sulu, Sweep, SynBrass, SynClaves, SynthBass, SynthPiano, TechBass, TheEgg, TimeWave, Touch, TuneBass, Voices, Wabberstring, WoodBlock, WowBass. SMP003 ST-01 INSTRUMENTS 89 Instruments:- A-Bass, Aaah, AckerBell, Annoying, Bass1 2 3 4, BassDrum1; BBasscool, Bells, Brass, Bright, Church, D1, Drumsharp, Elecbass, Fineone, Fineone027 037 047 057, Freddy, FunSound, Guitar4, HighOp, HiHat1 2, Hinb, Kimbassdrum, Led04 09 0a, LedGuitar01, LedHeavy01, LedSnare, Marimba, Name, Perc, Perc-DryTom, Perc-Timpani, Percussion1 2, Rasors, Revbdrum, Ridecymbal3, RSnareDrum, Scary, Scratch, Shaker, Snare25, SnareDrum1 2, Sony05-07, Sony06-07, SonyDrum01 02 03 05 07, Sorry, SpaceTalk, Storm01, Strat, Strings1, Strings22Min, Strings4 5, Strplus, Suprabass1, Synthtom, Tadaa, THGuitar, TomDrum, tromajor, Trominor, Trstclap, Ultrastring, Who, Wind, Yodel, Zzzax001 002 003 004 005 06. SMP004 ST-02 INSTRUMENTS 118 Instruments:- ahhvox, alsfremd, analogstring, balance, bangit, bass2, BassDrum2 3 4 5, blast, bratz, c64.snaredrum, c64.sound10 8, chor, Claps1, deepbass, deutsch, digipop, distguitar, drum1 2 3 4 5 7 9, dxbass, DxTom, eldrum, erstelektion, funbass, gutentag, HallBrass, hammerit, HeavySynth, heifer, highhatw, highop4, HiHat1 2 3 4, hitbass, Hooman, human, Jetes, korgbass, KorgFilter, korgstring, Licks, lion, minimoog, MonoBass, MonsterBass, NightMare, Outlaw, peck, Perco, pinvoice, Pizza, polysynth, PopSnare2, pullbass, ringpiano, robbass1, robsnare1, Shaker, shaker2, Shamus, Smash1, smatter2, Snare1, snare 1meg, Snare3 6 8, sp12snare, sphere, spoils Squares, Stabs, Steinway, steinway2, Strings1 2, strings22maj, strings22min, strings2maj, strings2min, strings2sup, strings3ns, Strings6, Strings6ns, strings7, strings7l, Strings7ns, superstring, SyntheBass, SyntheBass2, synthpiano, terminate, Tinewave, tom10, traksclaps, TuneBass, voices, woodblock, xhouseman, xrueelps, xwuff, zow4 5 8 9, zowa, zyeah. SMP005 ST-03 INSTRUMENTS 76 Instruments:- alarm1 2 3, boing-hi1, boing_hi2, boing_hi3, boink1 2 3, calliope1 2, carhorn1 2 3, chime1 2 3, chyme1 2 3, do1 2 3, drip1 2 3, harp_arpeggio1 2 3, heart1 2 3, kotobead1 2 3, marimba1 2 3, organ_minchord1 2 3, ouchhh1 2 3, pi, rhodes1 2 3, sample_+_hold2 3, sitar1 2 3, snare_roll1 2 3, steeldrum1 2 3, sync_synth, sync_synth1 2 3, tellbell1 2 3, wail_guitar1 2 3, whinny1 2 3, whistler1 2 3. SMP006 ST-04 INSTRUMENTS 110 Instruments:- 440Snare, accgit, acid-pump-it-up, acid2 3 4 5 7 8, acidbeat1, acopiano, ahhvox, analogstring, argh, b.mono,, bass5, bassdrum1 3 3b 4 9, Bastrumma, bigbang, blast., bomb2 3 4, chord1 2 3 4, d.cowbell6, d.cymbal4, d.superbass4, d.vibratosnare, dreambells,,, epiano. funbass, gbass, hallbrass, hammerbass, hammerbass2, hey,sky, HiHat2, hooman, hostgo, house1 2.3 9, 1.accord1 2 3, i.flute2,, instantbassrbc, koko, koto, lazer2, leader, monobass,, openhh, panflute, peck, Perc-Timbale, phalanx1; PopSnare2, pumpup, rambo-1 2 3, reflex, ringpiano, Scratch1, shaker, Shamus, sinecz, smartbrass, snare10 13 15 6 6b 8, speech5, starpeace, Strings1, strings2 4 6 7 d, sun1 2 3, synthpiano,, Tidpip,, ugh, SMP007 ST-06 INSTRUMENTS 31 samples:- Alsation, Alsation_2, Band_saw, Bark!, Bird_1, chimps!, chop cow, cows, cow_2, Elephant, Elephant_2, Falling_Tree, geese. geese_2, lioness, nightingale, Parrot, parrot_3, parrot_4, Parrot_ACE!, Parrot_classic, Police_Sheep!, Tawny_owl, Terrier. Thrush, Thrush_5, Thrust_6, warner, Yap! SMP008 ST-07 INSTRUMENTS 103 Instruments:- 16ton, aahh, AcoustGuit1 2 3, ACOUSTICGUITSAR1 2, audienceyell, bad, Bassdrum1 2 3, BassGuit1 2 3, build, clapping, CLAPS1, CLAVES, Claves1 2 3, CLOSEDHIHAT1 2, cowbell1, Cymbal 1 2 3m, Death, door,snd, duuhh, ELECGUITAR1 2, ELECSNARE1 2, ELECTOM1, engine, Exp, Fanfare, feet, flute1 2, HARP, HeartBeep, heavybassdrum, hihat1, HIHAT2, Iwon, kyrkoorgel2, Laser1 2 3, METALCLAPS1, missile, moo, moog7, MUNKKOR1, nightmad3, NIGHTMARE, OLJEFAT, Ooo, OPENHIHAT1, PIANO, PITCHRIDE1, popsnare2, prop, PUKA1, pump-it-up, ridecymbAL1, RIDECYMBAL2, ridecymbAL3, SKVRRR, SnareDrum, SnareDrum1 2 3 4, Space1, SPACERIDE1, Spalarm1 2 3, Spexp1 2 3, STRANGESNARE1, strings1, strings5, SYNTH2 SYNTHSNARE2, TING, TomDrum1 2 3 4, weirdlaugh, welcome, whimper, WOODBLOCK1 2, yell. SMP009 ST-08 INSTRUMENTS 67 Instruments:- akaiclosedhh, akaiopenhh, akaisnare, baa, bassdrum18, bongo, clapj1, cymbalcrash, deepvoice, deepvoice2, drumsynth, flickbass, ft, gong, guitar15, hapsi, hihat7, hitmee2, hosbass, howcan, idont, juno2 3, junobass3 7, just_keep_on, ksnare6, ledstorm.dist, ledstorm_dist, loguitar, lpa-cry4, lpa-dangg1, lpa-dovoice1, lpa-orch1, lpa-snare, lpa-warn1, lpa-sphere2, moog1, oggly, organ, pian02, piano- 12, piano-n, pluckguitar1, poly13, rbrass, roland4, rtypehistring, rtypelostring,rtypemedstring, rtypepingecho, rumble, sax-long, saxes, snare34, speoul, spring, stance2, steeldrum, stringsmaj, stringsmin, synthoff1, synthoff2, synthoff3, tallic, tied-up. SMP010 VOCAL FX Inhale; Exhale; SexGasp1, 2, 3; Ahhh; Sexy-Ohhh; Sharp-Inhale; Beatbox; Scratch-&-whistle; Scratch-&-Burp; Maniac-Laugh; High- screech; Choral-screech; Eeaoww; Choral-Ho; Crowd-roar; Ooh; Melodic-Riff1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Comic-Beatbox; Bass-drum-&-Ugg1, 2. SMP011 VOCAL HITS 1 House; Feels-so-good; Take-it-from-the-top; Party-people; Fresh; Woncha-rock-wid-me; In-the-place-to-bee; Ghetto-blaster; Make-It; Funky; Feel-it; I-love-you; I-feel-it; Lurve; Check-it-out; Make- it-funky; Turn-me-on; Do-not-resist-the-beat; Hit-me; Giddit; Ooh- Im-in-heaven-baby; That-gets-my-heart; Ow-there-it-is; Hit-it; You- make-me-feel-so-good; House; Bust-it-like-dis; Turn-it-up; Scratchit-so-nice; Git-nasty; House-rocka; Bust-the-new-jam; Come- on; Rok-da-da-house-live; Fresh; Pump-up-the-power; Now-Im-buggin; Put-the-needle-on; Da-drum-beats-go; Freaky-deaky-or-what; That-that- th-that-was; Say-juice...juice SMP012 VOCAL HITS 2 Come-on; Fun-fun-fun-funky-yeah; Give-it-to-them; Rock-da-house; Yeah-yeah; Do-it; Bass; Step-off; E.F.F.E.C.T; Bust-da-beat; Wipe- out; One-two-one-two; Yall-ready; You-turn-that-thing-down; You-got- it; Biddy-Biddy-take-me; Hey-you-wanna-dance; I-love-it; Pleease; Break-it-down-like-dis; Let-me-hear-you-say; Hohhh; Aaaoww; Somebody- say-oh-yeah; Oh-yeah; Oooooeeeee; Bust-dis; Go1; Oh-owww; Yeah; Geddon-up; Get-into-it; Turn-it-up; Heyy; Hold-it-now; DEMOS:- Breakbeat1, 2, 3; Dropin1, 2; Robotspeech1; Vocalhook1. SMP013 SPEECH Let-the-beat-control; Do-not-resist-the-beat; Okay-lets-do-it; Whaddya-thinka-that-disc; Isnt-it-terrific; Youre-being-taken; Brutal- and-inexcusable; Weee-love-you; This-is-master-control; Electronic; Android; Energize; Execute-digital-transfer; Malfunction; Energy- overload; Warning; Is-anybody-out-there; Bass-mechanic; This-should- be-played; Preferably-in-a; Automatic; B.P.M; Here-we-go-again; Is- there-a-doctor; Were-receiving-a; Its-whats-up-front; Okey-dokey- roll-em; Youve-got-it; Ready-&-Lights-&-Action; Target-Android; Annihilator-robot; Eliminate. SMP014 VOCAL AD LIBS Oo-oh-ah-hah; Ho-oh-oh-yeah; Yeh-yeh-yeyeyeh; Ha-ha-ho-hoh; aaah- hohhh; Hooo-Bay-beh-yeah; Oo-oo-oo-ooh; Wohhhh; Huh-hu-oh; No-huh- hoh; Waaaowwww; Oriental-Female1; Oriental-Male1; Oriental-Female2; Aooh-ohh-ohhoooo; Hoo-oo-ooo; Hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oh; Hmmm-hoo-oo-oo SMP015 ST-90 MED Dmob-Sample 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; itllmakeyou; robjubbard-snare; Screech; SWE_1, 3, 4, 5, 6, X; TECH_BASS; TECH_SOUND_1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Titanics-Double; IGodda, ItBeggan, Jack, Piano, Sample1, Sample2, Sample3, Sample6, Sample7, Strings, ThankYou, ThisIs, Ug!, XTC; YoullUnderstand. SMP016 ST-91 MED babycough; BASS.SAM; bassdrum-1, 2, 3; BASSDRUM.SAM; bongo-1; carrace; CLAP; CLAP.SAM; Co-operation; CROCKETT; drum; drum-1. 2; drum1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, DrumRhythm; electrictrumpet-1, 2; Elephant; FLUTE.SAM; gameend; glass; hi-hat-1, 2, 3; hihat3, 4; Horn-1; no; ooog!; Orchestra; pan-1; Panflute; piano-1, 2, 3; pinvoice; PowerM-Drum, Dung, Horn, Orchestra, Orchestra2, Sample1, Sample2; Robocop; saw; shiphorn; shocksound-1; snare-1; SNARE.SAM; snaredrum-2; SndExplo.SAM; sndOkay.SAM; SndShot1.SAM; SndShot2.SAM; spacedout!; SteelDrum; Strange; symbol-1; SYNTH.SAM; synthloop; tick; Titanic-FanFare, House, Acid, Cheep, Cymbol, HitMe; TROPICALBIRD; tuhorn; VIDruBeat; YourMoveCreep. SMP017 ST-92 MED 013crash; ACC.E.MAJO; ACC.E.MINO; Bang9AutoMatic; BBMM6, 7; BeatBox; BettyBooPi; coolbd1; d-10 fleet-tom1; d-50 herdon-bas; darim; Deelite 1, 2; hihatcl; HTDGW8; ILikeIt; Klaxon1; korgfilter; laugh; LFOStrings; lisvervel3; M1-ETOM; mt4, 5; Number1, 4; PawnGirl; Sample1, 2, 3, 4; Scratch1; sd4; spejs4; synlead; Titanics-InAfrica, JackMe, MoveYour, RockYour, Sample4, Sample5; WIM1. SMP018 ST-93 MED barend sample 17; Beat Dis; Breakitdown; Deelite1, 2; Doctorin1, 2; electro-jet; GetDown; guitar pluck 5; HammerTime; hi-hat closed 6; IamMagnificent; ILikeIt; KeepFreqClear; lazersquad; leadmellow-21; leadsynth harsh 2; Piano1, 2; PumpThatBeat; Rock, 2; RockDaHouse; Sample1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; SayKids; Scratch; Snare1; thrash snare 16; tone; We've1, 2; WIM1; YouPlay. SMP019 ST-94 MED Acid; BailChord; BassDrum3; BBMM1, 2, 3, 4, 8; BD-G1; BD-G2; Beat; BeatBack; BeatMaster; CanUFeelIt; DC1, 2, 3; HiHat2; HTDGW1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Humanoid; IntroSpeak; KK-Horn1, 2; Laser; MusicPlease; OhYeah-NoHey; Party1, 2; Piana; ReallyUnique; RoyalStrings; Snare3, 8; Stakker; Voodoo1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. SMP020 ST-95 MED AhYeh4; ASample2; BettyBooPi; Bomb; Breakclap; Bub; chord-synth1- major; chord-synth1-minor; Computer-Beep; D-MOB-Ah-Yeah, MD3-1; d-mob.Cut_1; d-mob.Cut_10, Cut_2, Cut_3, Cut_4, Cut_5, Cut_6, Cut_7, Cut_8, Cut_9; ffwoodblock; Frazzebasse2; Gale; geioilsound; Harrier2; Hoo_Yeah_1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; Luvleybass; Marimba; nw-16ton; nw-build; nw-doors; nw-engine; nw-feet; nw-iwon; nw-missile; nw-moo; nw-ooo; nw-prop; Openhat1; Strings5; Tense; Thunderbolt; tinewave; Whoo. SMP021 ST-96 MED BassDrum4; Bassg1; BassKick; basstune, 2; BigBass2; BuffBD, hi, hiBD, Hil, Ring, snare, Clap1; coma-a, check, comaecho, feel, m, o, sayit, shaker, snare, sogood, sound, spaceship, string, synth, synth2, synth3, synth4, theworld, woodblock, woodblock2; DeathStarSound; electronicguitar; FX11; FX23; FX9; Guitar3; Hihat19; HitSound; Hoo_Yeah_1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; lasersound.old; lead1d; lead1m; lead1u; MissileSound;; NewWhist; nw-16ton; OpenHat1; Perc-DryTom; Perc-HandDrum; percustom; polysynth4; powerclap; PullBass; rfsb; sample, 1; Snare14; SnareDrum2; Speech16, 23, 54; str1, 2, 3, 4, 5; SynLead5; utf; yaac. SMP022 ST-97 MED AhYeah3; BB-Every Step; BB-IMP; BB-Intro Drums; Car Starter; dMOB FunnySound, IntroDrums; DMOB1, 2, Funkey, HereWeGo, HereWeGo2; Game Over Man; House Arrest1, 2; Jazz E Beat; JiveBunny1; Rebels Here1, 2; Sample1; Wait reset scum. SMP023 ST-98 MED 13.b.snare5; 18-DRUM3; analogstring;; bassdrum; Bassdrum.R, 2, 3;; BAT10.SS; BAT11.SS; BAT12.SS; BAT14.SS;;;; BAT5.SS; BAT6.SS; BAT8.SS; BAT9.SS; BEASTINSTR2; BIGBOW; BK; BLOWER; BOING; BOINK; CAR; CLAPS1; COMEQUIETLY.SS; CRASH; Crash - Roland; D-50-HRPSI; DD-BASSDRUM2; DD-HIHAT; DIGDUG; DIGIHARP; DRIP; DRUM1; DXTOM; ELEBASS; ELECTOM; ELEC_PIANO.R; ERASURE: FAA; FASTBASS, 2; FFSTRINGD1, 2, 3; FREDBASS; FREDSNARE; GRACE5; HAL; HE; HELLO; HEY; HIHAT2; HIT6; HORN: JETES; JOANNNA; jordbaer med fl0de; JORDBRERGR0D; KEYBOARD: KILLIT.SS; LETSDOIT; MISSILE; MONOBASS: MURPHY.SS; NEWGUY.SS; NICESHOOTING.SS; NIGHTMARE; OKAY; OPERETTE; POPSNARE2; PROTECT.SS; ROBOCOP.SS; ROOMBRASS: SERVETPUBLIC.SS; SHAKER; SHAMUS: SINECZ; SNARE2; SOFTBASS; STRANGE; SYNTHEBASS; TANZEN; TOUCH; TUNEBASS; UB40; UPHOLDTHELAW.SS; YOURMOVECREEP.SS. SMP024 ST-99 MED Ah Yeah!; Are You Ready; bassdrum4; BTB Names; Color-1, 2; Cut-1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; Dance-1, 2, 3, 4; Dont-1, 2, 3; heavysynth; hihatc; m16; Nitzer-1, 2, 3; Number1, 4; okletsgo; polysynth; proceed; project; snare2; watchout. SMP025 STEVE'S SAMPLES 3 alienexplosion1; ambulance_siren; bettergetback; bigexplosion; cardiograph; churchbells; cock_a_doodle_do; cricket; donkey; double_cannon_shot; earthstoodstill; fire_engine_horn; for_horn; hummer_thud; it_came_intro: laser_fade: lightning: morse_code: music3; oh_no: police_car_siren: race_car_engine: refs_whistle; seagull; ships_horn: single_shot_laser; sky_rocket; tank; tolling_bell; tom_tom_ and people; trimphone; tyre_screech; weeuw; wheee; window_breaking; wip; yip; youll_never_escape. SMP026 CM_SAMPLES_1 Breaks:- BL.MEAN.GOOD; ENERGIZE; MMBEAT; MRGBERT; PROTEINBEAT; RSBEAT; SURDBEAT. Instruments:- BINC.DRUM; BINCPIANO; BINCSTAB; BONES; BONESHAKERS; JETSTAR; PROTEIN; RAINBOWS; RSPIANO; SURDSTAB. Voices:- ALRIGHT; BASS; BINC; BLOCKBUSTER; BRINGONDOWN; EASYBEAT; HALLELUJAH; HEREITCOMES; NJOI; PARTY; TIMELESS; TOTALCONF; YUSH. SMP027 CJ-03 SAMPLES 50S SCI-FI; BASS DRUM; BASS DRUM 1; BELL BUBBLE; BELL RISE; DRUM ROLL; DRUM ROLL END; EXPECTING; HAND CLAPS; KAAFTWERK THUD; LOG DRUM; NUCLEAR SUN; PHASED CRACK; RAIN FOREST; REZZZZ PAD; RIM SHOT; RIM SHOT 2; SCRATCH 1, 2; SEQ BASS; THE PHANTOM; VELOGONG. SMP028 CJ-01 SAMPLES 16 PIANO; ALANS RUN; ALTO SAX; ANALOG PAD; BOTTLES; CHAMBER ENS; DIGIPIANO; EPHEMERAL; FRESH AIR; GHOSTRYDER; JET STREAM;; MARIMBA; ORCHBRASS; OXYGEN MASK; RESIDROPS; REZZZZ BASS; ROSEWOOD GUITAR; SOLAR BELLS; SYN PIANO; THE STRINGS; TIDAL WAVE; TRUMPET; VS BELLS 1; WOODWIND; X FADE BASS; ZINGSTRING. SMP029 CJ-02 SAMPLES BOREALIS; CHOIR; DESERT DAWN; DOUBLE STOP; FAT SYNTH; FREE FLIGHT; FRESH AIR; FRHORN & TUBA; HARD TIMES; HARMONICA; HARMONICS; HARP; JOYSTICK WAH; MR GONG; ORCH HIT; PICK BASS; RAW DEAL; SOFT PAD; STEEL DRUMS; STRATEGY; SWEET OBOE. SMP030 RADISH SAMPLES apparently dumm; apparently nothing; charly; charly says; disciples bit; ecstacy mutha f******; emf; feel it (peace); hmmm...; hmmm... yeah; move any mountain; paula abdul chord; set adrift (poor quality); shamen sound; strange sax; too sexy; wheeble (emf); winter in july; wwweeeeeaaauuuuwwwws. SMP031 ST-06 INSTRUMENTS accgit2; ballout; bang2; barreldrum1, 2; bassdrum3; bassgit1, 2; bee; bongo2; bounce2; buzz; choir1, 2, 3, 4; chordbass1; clang1, 2; clap9; comeon; cowbell3; craig; curd; cymbal3; dbldrum; deepbass1, 3; die; echodrum; elecbass; elecguitar3, 4; four; grunt; hahaha; heavy1; jundrum1, 2; kettle, 1, 2p kettledrum; knock; laser1; laugh2; nose; organ2, 3; ouch; ping; plasma2; pling; robot; scream1, 2; smash4, 5; snare, 7, 8; sorgan; strings4, 5. SMP032 ST-89 SAMPLE DISK alfbefore; alfhik; alfmay; alfvoice; bah; bas.e08; bas.h.e01; bassdrum3; bm.bassdrum3; bm.bassdrum; bm.blood money; bm.cashresigter; bm.claps; bm.dumpf; bm.hit it; bm.hold that; bm.horn; bm.oi you; bm.orch; bm.question; bm.shaker; bm.smash; bm.squrgeadm; bm.yeah; car1; chris11; chris26; cowbell1; cry2007; detune; distguitar2; dmcsnare; dreambells; ds.bullet.echo; friday; funbass; gtr.f03; hihat1; ineed; kd.n03; knall; laugh1, 3; longhhat; marimba; micro1, 3; orch.h05, ho6; orchblast; Orchestra2000; pumpupthevolume; quad; quad04; rakim; rapbdrum; schlag; sd.n0z; snare5, 52, 55; str.s01c; string2099; stringbass; strings0, 1; swoosh; tb.explosion; tb.five; tb.four; tb.go; tb.three; tb.two; tense; thanks; tom.e01; tom1; voi.asc; VOI.YELL; voi.yhbhb. SMP033 ST-87 SAMPLE DISK Aloog; bassdrum; blase.b1p1; buffalobassdrum; buffalosnare; D50sound; digidrum2; discoflash2; dx21plink2; goahead; Highhat; hiorch; longhallbrass.2; lopipe; Maniac1sonix; Maniac2asonix; Maniac2bsonix; mv.ain't; mv.beat; mv.chrocchor.1; mv.chrocchor.2; mv.croccho2; mv.don't;; mv.gimmie; mv.gun; mv.him; mv.know; mv.miamivice;; mv.outthere; mv.that; northbass; ourprogram..; Piano; pizz, Plucker; quar.bdrum; quar.brak; quar.d50sound; quar.hdrum; quar.sdrum; quar.snare; quietPlucker; snap.agumwyya; snap.btbx01; snap.zumbayay; snaredrum; superbass; toms; Tubes; tympani; witness; xsynth. SMP034 ST-88 SAMPLE DISK 808b1p1; 808strings01; 808strings01-2; bass01, 02, 03-04; bassdrum11; bassdrum8; bassdrum9; clashguit1; clashpluck1, 2; clashshouldi..; clashwoo; d-50harpsi; d-50intruder; d-50shamus; DoorsCrowd; dxpop; dxrichstr; dxspacetom; electroguitar; fab.standby; farm.dirtydirty; farm.strings2; farm.utalkin'; gbass; guitar10, 13, 3, 4; hihat4; killer.b1p1; killer.s1p1; killer.s1p2; rraid4; saxophone; snare13, 19, 2; sologuitar1, 5; sound2; strings8; tomdrum. SMP035 ST-90 SAMPLE DISK Arab; Backing1; blubbles; C.P.neighbours4, 5; Clarinet; ClickOwww; CMAJPiano; CrowdCheer; EMF.U; EMF.YU; F.RMA.#7; F.RMA.#8; F.RMA.#9; flute; FMAJPiano; grrrr; haaaaj; hipcord; hyyyy; ILS.Ameri01; ILS.Downtown; ILS.Handrawn; jeansnare; PETITE; paino; pizz3sp; R2D2; robotbd; rubberbass; salt; seven; seven2; shit; SHOT; SHOT2; stempel; Strings; syssy; tczhk; Trumpet; upbass; watchit; WBjingle. SMP036 ST-97 SAMPLE DISK ARNOLD1, 2, 3, 4, 5; dancetoo, drugs, freddy1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Gary?; heisdarngood; iknewit; ladysandgentlemen; lookwhoshere; policesquard, 2; robobutler; rockandroll; schwarsenegger1, 2, 3, 4, 5; selvester1; thatwasgary; turtlerecall; tweety1; UFO; whips; WHITEHOUSE1, 2; witchcarft; wrighthouse; yello1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. SMP037 ST-97 SAMPLE DISK BAR; BEAT; crap; drums; eatthis; forreal; gameover; hay; hayman; heartbeat; humbug; kowabunga; letsrock; meeting; monty1; NEIL; NOONE; OK!; onlyone, 2; partyondoos; pizza; pumpupthevolume!; relax; spring; vergin; warned; whatwasthat?; whois; Why?; wolfcry, 2, 3; yeaah!. SMP038 ST-99 SAMPLE DISK andnow2; Anybody; begin; Carskid; cometoyou; cowadunga; DogBark; ElectroBoogie; Escape; first; FX?; Gong; intro; Laugh1; laugh2; Little ben; Machine-Gun; missing; money?; No; now; phone; queengetdown; queengodbless; queenorder; queenstart; queentrumpet; queenwicked; sex; so; Sphere; synth?; Tiger; TomTom; Tropicalbirds. SMP039 ST-66 SAMPLE DISK BB.F.7; BB.F.8; FAL.RMA.#2; FAL.RMA.Guit; MAD.DJ.1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; PSB.I1.Strings1. SMP040 ST-89 MED 16; 16basb; 16snared; 17; ACIDBD02; ACIDHH01; ACIDSD03; BASS; bass1; bassdrum, 1; bd; beastiebass; beep; bell2; beorn; bongo1; buzzb; chink; CHUCKROCK.AAARRRHH, BELLYBUT, BUNGR, COLLECT, DEATH, GLUB, JUMP, KNOCK, OH-OOH, ROAR, SQUISH, UNGA, UNGA-BUNGA, WATER; church; clapecho, CloseDhi; cowbell, 2; crapmoviesound; cymbal; d-20-snare5; drum; drum2; drumbeatloop; dustbinlidsound; effect1, 2; FFDUNKBASS; flutesound; hapnedtoalllove; hat, 2; heavbass; heavybass; hey di; hi-hat; hihat; house2.3; housebass; housebassdrum; houseloud; housesnaredrum; housewhisper; howlowcanyougo;; into. it.began; jut; kick 34; ksnare; m1-hhatc; Madonna-Vogue1, 2, 3, UC1, UC2, UC3, UC4; Marimba2; OpenHi; Organ1; Perc-HandDrum; piano1, 2; pluck; scratch; sheetmetalsound; shoozwood; SineCZ; sn1; sn2; sn3; snbd2; SonyDrum01, 02; SYNTH1, 8; tamb;; tipsynth; VI-UgotitUC; warning; wave. SMP041 ST-50 INSTRUMENTS bas.diablo; bas.dummm; bas.fretless; bas.junoreal; bas.longcool; bas.sequencer; bas.smoove; bas.yasmin-3; crd.5thave1, 2, 3; crd.awemaj; crd.awemin; crd.deepchoir1, 2; crd.heavysynth; crd.maj1; crd.major.mon1; crd.majorteen1; crd.piano1, 2; crd.pos1, 2, 3; kick.cymbal; kick.drum3; kick.solid; kick.xtc; misc.mutlivox; misc.shortvox; misc.springvox;; perc.babydrum4, 6; perc.clapreverb; perc.cliktrak; perc.distance; perc.echohat; perc.gilldrum2; perc.klang; perc.syntom1; perc.tamborine; snare.loose; snare.peaston; snare.pumpin, snare.rim1, 2, 3; snare.toms; snare.treble; snare.walkman; snare.wood; stab.quincyhorns; syn.brass3;; syn.dxbell; syn.epicstab1, 2; syn.fairlightvox; syn.flute2.mon; syn.grandpiano; syn.horrrstring; syn.jpstring.u110; syn.junobrass1; syn.k1widesynth; syn.k1wiiidelead; syn.leadgtr; syn.lowbrass; syn.marimba; syn.orchhit; syn.piano1, 2; syn.smoohbeep; syn.stab1; syn.superahh. SMP042 ST-28 INSTRUMENTS 19Snare; 440thick-bk; bass3; bass_spower; bass_tur; bbass, 10, 11, 12, 13, 2, 3, 4, 5hi, 6, 7, 8slide, 9; bc-shot2; bsnare, 10, 11, 12, 3, 9tom; Buffsnare; ccloseh; CLAP6; claprsi; closedhi; cyclbass; cymbal-T.K.S.; dbing; defbass1, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; deffsnare1, 2, 3; defhatts1, 2, 4; DEFHIHAT5; defscratch; defsnare1, 10, 15, 17, 2, 21, 22, 23, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; delsnare1; depbass1, 2, 3; depsnare1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; fingersnap; freshscratch1; hardsnare; hclap, hhclap; hihatts, 2, 3, 6, 7; hixedhihat; jazsnare; jaztom1; longbass; metalshake2; met_boom; mixobass1; mixosnare1, 2; mixsnare1, 3; ophat1, 2; pbass1; percustom; psnare1; pulse1, 2; pumpbass; RauschHi; rimtom; rraid4; rssnare; Snap2, 4, 7; snare1b, 2, 3, 7; snarebass1; SnareDrum 2968; snaredrum2; snare_3ba, tur; ssshat1, 2; Stab; tom6rimshot; tombass, 2; ts. SMP043 SAMPLES & INSTRUMENTS BASE.FORT; BASS.DYRO; BASS.EQLIZER; BASS.GATE; BASS.HI; BASS.HYPNOTIST; BASS.SIL; BONGO; DELASOUL.WHISTLE; HYPNOTIST.INST; MJ.ORCHESTRA; MJ.TUTUTITITU; SAMPLE1.ONE; SAMPLE2.TWO; SCHOES.ALF; SPEEDY.J; TECH.NOISE1, 2; TECHNO1; THEPRODIGY.HIHAT, INST; VIOLINS.MOBY, SCHOES; WHO.SAMPLE; BASS.LOOPS; IAM.XITED; J.BROWN; KLF.SAMPLE; MY.NAME; O.FORTUNA; STUKGED.SCHOES; STUKGEDANST; THEULT.SEDUCTIN; BROKEN.RECORD; LASER; RADIO.SEARCH. SMP044 SAMPLES UNLIMITED VOL #1 Ah-Yeah!; BassDrum+CymbalRide; BassDrum1, 2, 3, 4, 5; BassGuitar1, 2; BassGuitarSlide; Checkthisout; Click1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; CowBell; CymbalCrash; CymbalRide1, 2; EvilBass; ExoticStrings; FingerSnap; FluteLoop; FunkBeat, 2; FunkyFlute; FunkyStrings, 2; HeavyGuitar1; HiHatClose1; HiHatOpen1; JazzOrchestra.1, 2, 3; LaserLoop; MajorStrings, 1; MinorStrings; Ooooh!; OrchestraHit; OrchestraHitShort; PanPipes1; Piano1; Pop; RaveBeep1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; RawBass1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Shaker1; Sitar; SnareDrum1, 2, 3, 4; SnareDrumDouble; SnareExplode; SoGood; Spoon; StringEcho; SuddenMajor; SuddenMinor, 2; SuddenStrings; Tamborine; Tap1, 2, 3; TechnoStrings, 2; TechnoStringsMajor, 5th; TechnoStringsMinor; TomDrum1, 2, 3; TromboneEcho; Trumpet; Yeah!; Aaaaah. SMP045 DAVE B'S SAMPLES VOL 1 alldayallday; anotherboringpiano; BBBASS; bed time boys; big ben; chuckacan; crowd; dog bark; dragnet, 2, 3; eurythmics yeah; goodeveningangela; HICH 3; inxsguitar; jacksonroll; jbroll; JQMES EVANS; justbegoodtome; psbkeys; RAINBOW SYBG; survivorstab; takecontrol; thisusedtobeaviolin; ucanttouchthis; UGLY KID ACUSTIC GUIT; UGLY KID GUTAR 0001; UGLYKID GUITAR STAB; under rift; wooooooow; you are now about. SMP046 DAVE B'S SAMPLES VOL 2 1-2-3-4; aroundl; choc 1, 2; come on; distorted guitar; doh, 2; drum beat; eurythmics 2; everyone; guitar number 99; guitar stab no d5; hihat; japsamp1, 2, 3; koo; la; ninel note e; orc stab; rewind + practice; shhhhshhhh; strings; tey; the business; the full rap; true love can be; watch it; water. SMP047 M.U.G. BASSNOTES SAMPLES This disk was compiled by Richard Bannister of the Med User Group. Bass:- 4448, Access, Accident, Acid, Acidity, Afro, Animated, Atmosphere, AySid, Back, Base, Because, Below, BoBo, Boom, Boy, Bright, Buzz, Clean, Computer, Cool, Cord, DD, Deapth, Decks, Ditty, Double, Down, DownWrong, Drank, Drum, Dumpf, Dunk, E, Echo, Electric, Fill, Filter, First, Flicked, Forgive, Fox, Frank, Free, Frog, Fun, Funk, Funkish, Funky, FunkyEcho, Hot, House, It, Jaws, Jurrassic, Length, LessBass, Line, Long, Longest, Lounge, Low, Lower, Mini, Mono, Monster, Noted, Notepad, Notice, Odyssey, OfBass, Oxo, Pluck, Plucked, Plump, Quite, Rave, Raving, Rent, Ring, Rock, Rounded, Rubber, Sampled, Savage, Secret, Squence, Shorted, ShortedFunk, Sin, Sky, SlapArtist, Slapped, Slapper, Slapster, Soft, Softie, Sound, Standard, Synth, Tech, Thought, Tock, Trek, Tune, Type, Up, Vibes, WakeUp, Width, Willow, WithArt, Wow, X. SMP048 M.U.G. DRUMKIT SAMPLES #1 This disk was compiled by Richard Bannister of the Med User Group. Bass-Drums:- Bass Clap, Dip, Drum, Drum 2, Drum 3, Drum 4, Drum Whop, with tune, Dump, Echo...., Kick, Mase, Mayse, Stop, Swaype, with HiHat, Bass+, +inti, +Tick, +Tiny, +Ting, BASS-Drum, Bass-ic, Bass-Snare, Bass2, BassDrum 1, BassDrum Kick, BASSDRUM.IFF, BassDrum.u20, bassdrum2, Bassloop, BassSnare, Bassy Drum, KickingBass, Kimbassdrum, PowerBass, ROBODRUM.IFF, Snare-Bass, SoftBassDrum, THUMP Bass, Thumping Bass Drum, THUMPY Bass. Claps:- Clap, Clap 2, Clap Echo, Clappy, claps1, ClopClipClap. Cymbals_HighHats_Tamborines:- Clap Cymbal, Closed HiHat, CloseHiHat.u20, Coming...HiHat, Crash Cymbal, CrashOnHighHat, Cymbal, 2007, 8, CRASH!, Rattle, Tish, Tish 2, Tish 3, Cymbal-ate, Cymbel, Cymbel 2, Hatty, Hi(ish)Hat, High Hat, High-Hat, Higher Hat, HigherThanHigherHat, HighHat 37, HighHat5, hihat 2, HiHatMetalic, HiHatting, HIT Cymbal, Open HiHat, QuietClosedHiHat, shis, Shorter Hat, Sustained HighHat, Tabourine, Tam Francis, Tam Timby, Tam1, Tam2, Tambo3, Tamborine, Tish 17, Tish 2, Tish 3, Tish 4. Snare_Drums:- BackSnare; Bear Snare, BeatSnare, Bri-Snare, CrackSnare, DEEP Snare, Drum, MC Snare, PopSnare, popsnare3, Qu-Snare, RimShot Snare, RimSnare, RSnareDrum, Sanre Drop, Sanre Loop, ShortSnare, SmashSnare, snare, Boyz, Drum, Rattle, Snap, Snap 2, Splash, tip, Tipo, Tish, Snare+Ting, Snare_STOP!. Snare1, 15, 17, Clap, Drum 1, 2, SnareDrum.u20, Snareish, Snarey, Snare[TIN], SpaceSnare, Thud Snare, Tom Drum, Tom Snare, Tom-snare. Various:- Bongy Bongo, Kettle Drum, Snap3, Synth Rattle, Synthdrum, Tam 16, Tap, Tip, Tock, Tune Drum, Tuned Percussion, Woodblock. SMP049 M.U.G. DRUMKIT SAMPLES #2 Bass_Drums:- Bass Albert, Bass Code, Bass Deep, Bass Dwarf, Bass Pad, Bass Refill, Bass Sheet, Bass Tuck, Bass Work, BassDrum1, Blake Bass, Deeper Bass, Drum Order, Humanoid Bass, Janice's Bass, Journey Bass, Little Bass, Outer Bass, Oxford Bass, Rattle BassDrum, The Bass Race, VooDoo Bass, VooDooFX Bass, Who's Bass, Z Bass. Claps:- Clap, Clap Hall, Clap Happy, Clap Plaster, Classical Clap, Classy Clap, Cooking Clap, Crates and Clappers, Rapping Clap, Wave Clap. HighHats_etc:- Closeat, Closed_Hi_Hat, Crash, Crash 2, Crash 3, Crashat, Cristal, Crouch Hat, Cymbal, Haitz, HatStop, HiHat1, HIHAT42, Hihat666, HiHatter, Janice's Hat, Langat, Lowish HiHat, Metalat, Never mind the HiHat, Open, Open all hours, opening soon..., Open_Hi_Hat, Pumping, sidecymbal, Sitting, Sitting2, Stop That, Take a High, X Rated. Snare_Drums:- 12-2-5, 4thJulySnare, 5thSnare, 6thSnare, AWESOMESnare, Classical Snare, COOLSnare, E-Snare, ERASnare, I Care 4 Snare, Janice's Snare, JOE_Snare, LBWSnare, N-N-NineteenSnare, necrosnare, NEWORDERSNARE, POLICYofSNARE, POP goes the Snare, PopSnare1, REVERSE, Reverse Snare 2, Snare 9 High, Snare at 10, Snare begins at 34, Snare1, Snare2, Snare3, Snare8. Toms:- But Tom..., C64 style-tom, Classical Tom, DEEP Tome, Electro- Tom, Hi Tom!, Som Tom, There's only one TOM, Tom, Tom 2, Tom 4, Tom Click, Tom Pad, Tom Snap, Tom+Ting, Tom Tom Tom (Echo), Tom2, Tom4, Tommy, Tommy8, TomSky, X-Tom1, X-Tom2. Various:- Africa, AnchorCowBell, BellCow, Bongo To.., Bongo5, Claves, Conga, CongaBonga, CowBell, Dock, Drim Shot, Dustbin, Explosion, Gonf, Guiro, handrum.perc, Heartbeat, MetalClang, Quack, Quaking Shaker, Rattle, Rattle Snake, Reverse Drum, Reverse Drum 2, Rim Shot, Rim-Over-Shot, Rimshot, RIMSHOT6, Sawsh, Shake, Shaker, Shaker2, Spat, Stick Click, SynthDrum, Woodblock, X-BELL.